For more Details on available bids and tenders, Click the Links Below to Download the attached documentation !!..
Invitation to Bid for Completion of Administration block phase III
Construction of boundary wall fence at district HQ, & supply and installation of Solor lights
Invitation to bid for Construction of public rain water harvesting Tanks
construction of class room and office blocks at Karambi Primary school
Construction of fish Pond and stocking it with fish fingerings & supply of Feeds
Construction of Katagata GFS-Phase 1 and Rehabilitation of Rutehe1 GFS-phase 1
Invitation to Bid for Construction of Kyangugye Gravity Flow scheme Phase-1
Design, supply and installation of Micro-scale irrigation systems in Buhweju District
Repair and maintanance of Micro-scale irrigation systems in the District
Invitation to bid for supply and delivery of cattle and goats to beneficiary groups
Invitation to bid for supply of executive office furniture and desks for schools
Invitation to bid for Completion council Hall at Nyakaziba Town council Phase II